The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, or RANZCP, is an accredited medical college responsible for representing, educating and training psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand.
19 Dec
Gary Galambos speaks out about the broken mental health system in ANU report & The Australian
It's not possible to have a recovery-based model if you've got a crisis-based model dominating because then you're only interested in resolving the crisis and risk management. Once the risk reduced, it's someone else's problem. You can't be therapeutic in a system like that.
The Importance of Safeguarding Patient Data: Insights from Dr Gary Galambos at RANZCP Annual Congress
Dr Gary Galambos spoke at the annual RANZCP Congress in Perth (May 2023) about the importance of safeguarding patient data. The topic is even more significant in the face of the increasing prevalence of US-style managed care in Australia.